Leonidio-Nafplio - 60 km for "Elpida", Friday September 27th 2024

Faros Bourtzi Nafplio, Φάρος και Μπούρτζι Ναύπλιο

The Municipality of Nafplio, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sport, the Peloponnese Region and the Municipality of South Kynouria, is organizing a sports event-action entitled "Swimming and ELPi-ZoNTAS (Hoping)", on Friday, September 27th 2024 at the Port of Nafplio, as a sign of support for the endurance struggle that children with neoplastic diseases of the Association "Elpida (Hope in Greek)" - Association of Friends of Children with Cancer give every day.

The employee of the Municipality of Nafplion, athlete and member of the volunteer team "Swimming and ELPi-ZONTAS", Mr. Stavros Smyrlis, will swim a distance of 60 km from the port of Leonidio (of Arcadia) on the 23rd of September 2024, to finish at the port of Nafplion, on the 27th of September 2024, sending a great message of hope, life and solidarity from all of us to all these children, that will always have a special place in our lives and in our hearts.
The meaning of the day -and the purpose of the action- is first and foremost to convey social empathy and solidarity, to contribute to the mental empowerment of children and their families in the fight against childhood cancer, and to convey the importance of volunteering through the sporting ideal to all of us, young and old. We are not just fighting for the prize, we are fighting on the basis of the values and ideals that sport promotes.
This feat symbolizes the overcoming of physical and mental limits and reflects the daily struggle of children with neoplastic disease and their families. At the same time, the action aims to raise public awareness of the multifaceted work of the "Elpida" association, which provides multi-level care for children with cancer.

Leonidio of Arcadia, Monday September 23rd 2024

Finish / Closing Ceremony
Port of Nafplio, Friday September 27th 2024, at 10:00 am.


Facebook: @kolympwntaselpizwntas
Instagram: @kolympwntaselpizwntas_

Did you know that?
At the finish line, the children of Nafplio school units will be present, in order to raise awareness and support the work of the "Elpida" Foundation - Association of Friends of Children with cancer.
The project is supported by the Municipality of Nafplio's Cleaning and Greening Service, the Nafplion Port Authority, the Argolis Rescue Team and the Greek Red Cross, the Nafplion Prefecture's Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education, the Greek Red Cross and the Greek Red Cross' annex of Argolis, as well as sponsors and sports and cultural clubs.

Κολυμπώντας για την Ελπίδα 2024

37.567652354494, 22.796223163605