Vouleytiko – “The smile of Socrates”, 18 December 2016

The culture company "Proskinio" and publication "The anonymous book" presents the novel by Peter Lygizos "The smile of Socrates", on Sunday December 18th, 2016 in Vouleytiko.
In this historical and philosophical psychogram, we can observe the laborious process of a person from one life situation -seems- without problems and spiritual concerns in the difficult decision to learn himself and then to confront him. Alongside indirectly but clearly are discussed the eternal questions: the essence of life, the relationship between theory and practice, the relevance of bliss, the identity of virtue ethics. Finally in classical Athens of Pericles, we can see how any modern society could -due of arrogance, intolerance, and the insatiable desire for leadership- reach the ultimate humiliation. And of course, in the person of Socrates, timeless thinking person struggling to change himself and the world he lives in.
The book will be presented by the philologists Calliope Kalpodimou and Vasiliki Trakas. Dramatized excerpts will be presented by the Culture Company “Proskinio”. The presentation is under the auspices of UNESCO (Argolida Group for UNESCO) and the support of DOPPAT and Writers Association of Argolida.

Start Time

